Welcome! Children are a vital part of our faith community. Our goal is to partner with families to share the love of God with children and nourish life-long relationships with Christ Jesus. Or, as we put it, to help kids grow in faith.

For more information about our Children's Ministries at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton, IL, please contact Carey Williams Bebar, Director of Christian Education, at 630-668-3100 x105 or cbebar@garychurch.org.

Another way to stay connected to Gary Kids is by joining the Gary Kids Facebook page. Check out activities, videos and devotions that help faith grow at home.

Gary Kids Registration Form


Kids' Church
All preschool 3s through third graders are invited to the Lower Level after the children's time during 9 a.m. worship and after the Scripture reading at 11:11 a.m. worship. Please sign in at our Gary Kids Check-in Station located just outside the Sanctuary.

Helping Hands 

Fourth Sunday during 9 a.m. Kids’ Church
All children ages preschool 3s through grade 5 are invited to the Lower Level to use their “helping hands” to help our local, national and global neighbors.

Sunday School, 10 a.m.

Preschool through grade 3: Lower Level
Grades 4–5: Anderson Room, Main Level


Wednesday night children’s music

All Gary Kids are invited to grow in faith and serve in love through the music ministry! Cherub Choir, Friendship Choir and Good News Ringers all meet on Wednesdays. See music page for details and register here.


Wednesday night child care

Wednesdays, 6:15–8 p.m.

Wednesday night child care is offered for children preschool 3s through fifth grade. This supervised playtime is available for families with children in multiple choirs and/or parents seeking childcare during class meetings or small group studies. Contact Pastor Carey for more information.

Gary Kids Calendar

Special events

4th & 5th Grade Fellowship

Game Night

Friday, Feb. 21, 6:30–8:30 p.m.,

Come to the church and play games with your Fellowship friends! RSVP to Pastor Carey Williams Bebar.

True North VBS registration opens March 1

Monday, June 16–Thursday, June 19

Preschool 4s through fourth grade registration opens March 1.

Gary’s Got Talent!

Sunday, March 2, 4 p.m.

Do you sing, dance, juggle, tell jokes, do magic or have some secret talent you’re longing to showcase? Get your acts ready for Gary’s Got Talent, a fun night featuring Gary’s talented kids, youth and adults!

No-cut auditions: Sunday, Feb. 9, 3–4:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Feb. 12, 4:30–6 p.m.

Sign up for a 10-minute audition spot. Acts should be no more than three minutes.

Rehearsals: Sunday, Feb. 23, 3 p.m. & Saturday, March 1, 10 a.m.

New this year for Ash Wednesday, March 5: 

At 5:30 p.m., families with young children are invited to an interactive worship experience where we will get our hands dirty making “resurrection gardens” while exploring the significance of receiving ashes.

SuperStart! Shaped Lock-in

Friday, March 14–Saturday, March 15

SuperStart is the nation’s largest pre-teen Christian event. Fourth and fifth graders won’t want to miss this year’s tour where they’ll be “shaped” for kin-dom work! Plus, they’ll get to get experience Gary Church in a new way when they’re locked in for the night! Cost: $100 (Includes the SuperStart event, meals, extra activities, and a T-shirt.) Scholarships available. Register today!

Sunday School Spring Break

Sunday, March 30, 10 a.m.

Sunday School is taking a little break but will resume April 6.


4th & 5th Grade Fellowship Good Friday Dinner and Worship

Friday, April 16, 5 p.m.

Fourth and fifth grade fellowship students are invited to a special dinner with Pastor Carey Williams Bebar and Pastor Dan Lee, where they’ll learn about Good Friday, attend worship together and participate in a powerful way.


Palm Sunday Parade

Sunday, April 13, 9 a.m. worship

All Gary Kids are invited to join in a Palm Sunday parade! We will gather in the Narthex (rear of the Sanctuary) at 8:50 a.m. Children will process with palms down the center aisle, place their branches on the altar, then sit with their families until Children’s Time. Parents are encouraged to escort children five and under.

The Grow with God Experience

Sunday, April 13, during 10 a.m. Sunday School

The Easter season is the perfect time for kids to pause and take a moment to reflect on what Jesus has done and how it impacts their lives. No matter where kids are on their own spiritual journeys, this activity is designed to help them discover something new about God. Throughout your "garden," in The Grow with God Experience, you can help kids experience how meaningful and helpful it can be for them to spend time with God. In this rotation model Sunday School event, kids will walk through the Easter story and practice a few spiritual habits along the way to help encourage their growth.

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 20, 10:15 a.m., Memorial Park

Grab your baskets and head to Memorial Park for a traditional Easter Egg Hunt.

Easter egg donations needed: please donate filled Easter eggs by Friday, March 29. Donations can be dropped off in the Church Office.


Service opportunity

Acolytes wanted

If you’re a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh grader, we’d love to have you serve as an acolyte in worship. To learn more about this meaningful position, contact Pastor Daniel Cochran or sign up here.